3/10/2022 Monday
The reconnection of peripheral areas:
re-appraisal of nexogenous development
Keynote speech
Prof. Bettina Bock, Wageningen University
Managing a hub; challenges and Prospects
Roundtable discussion
Εirini Makedona- Comeet Herakleion, Andreas
Tsiliras- MOSAIC Patras, Marilena Georgantzi-
SheMakes FabLab
4/10/2022 Tuesday
Project Management basics of EC projects
Eirini Iliopoulou, CORAL-ITN
5/10/2022 Wednesday
Family businesses in peripheral business Ecosystems
Keynote speech
Prof. Lech Suwala, TU Berlin
6/10/2022 Thursday
Platformisation and the commodification of informal social reproduction labour
Keynote speech
Prof. Emerita Ursula Huws
CORAL Index and feedback
Lorenzo Marmo, CORAL-ITN ESR