CORAL-ITN Newsletter #3

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CORAL-ITN Newsletter #2

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CORAL-ITN Brief on Regional Geography of CWS in Europe

Based on an analysis made with the collection of primary and secondary data, the report includes 12,009 CWS located in 23 European countries. We examine the difference among urban, intermediate and rural areas on the NUTS3 level, as well as on the national level. As the report shows the development of CWS is not solely […]
3rd Coral School: Press Release

The five-day summer school on “Strategies and policies of CWS development in rural and peripheral areas” at the beginning of July 2023 dealt with matters on regional policy, innovative entrepreneurship, and the emergence of remote workers in rural and peripheral areas from a southern perspective. Press Release
Call for Contributions for the Edited Book“Collaborative workspaces and socio-economic development in rural and peripheral areas”

The edited book will offer a thorough account of the contemporary socio-economic challenges that European rural and peripheral areas face and will provide discussions on how Collaborative Workspaces (CWS) may contribute to tackling them in multiple ways.
Open Call for 5 PhD Candidates CORAL – ITN Training on 3rd Coral School in Sicily 03 – 07.07.2023

Open Call for 5 PhD Candidates CORAL – ITN Training on 3rd Coral School in Sicily 03 – 07.07.2023 & Agenda Course description: CORAL-ITN invites five PhD Candidates to join the CORAL-ITN Training 03 – 7 July 2023 in Petralia Sottana, Italy. The 3rd CORAL School marks the start of the analytical stage of the […]

CORAL-ITN Newsletter #4
Survey on the Impacts of Collaborative Workspaces

Within the framework of the European project CORAL-ITN, our researcher Lorenzo Marmo (ESR13) is currently implementing a survey to understand the impacts and potentialities of Collaborative Workspaces with an emphasis on the ones located in peripheral and rural areas. With the data collected he aims to get a better comprehension of the needs and challenges […]
Deutscher Kongress für Geographie (DKG), September 19-23, 2023, Call for papers(Re)working spaces: Collaborative workspaces as effects and drivers of new spatial relations

Deadline: March 13 Abstract submission Moderator Yue Mao (Leibniz Institute for Regional Geography)Danai Liodaki (Leibniz Institute for Regional Geography)Ulrich Ermann (Universität Graz, Institut für Geographie und Raumforschung) Reference 82771 Short description To strengthen geographical perspectives on the intersectional studies of emerging collaborative workspaces (CWS), this session deploys a relational understanding of space and explores […]
Deutscher Kongress für Geographie (DKG) 2023 (Frankfurt am Main, Germany, 13-23 September 2023) Paper Session: New geographies of work and labour within, across and around collaborative workspaces

Organisers: Nikos Gatsinos*, Malte Höfner*, Suntje Schmidt** *Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz** Leibniz Institut für Raumbezogene Sozialforschung Reference Nr: 82751 Short description: This session addresses multilocalities of contemporary labour and work and their connectionto collaborative workspaces. Sharing practices within, across and around these spaces challenge (new) divisionsof labour and work. Keywords: English-language call, CollaborativeWorkspaces, Coworking, Sharing, Precariousness, Labour, Economic Geography Language of session: English […]