ESR15: CWS as a new panacea in rural regional development? Reflections from Germany, Italy and France

Host:  Leibniz Institute for Research on Society and Space (IRS), Erkner, Germany, Supervisors: Suntje Schmidt (IRS), Elmar Kulke (Humboldt University) 1 PhD position, full-time Duration: September 2021 – August 2024 CWS are widely perceived as novel and valuable spatial and social solutions in volatile, sometimes even turbulent structural transformation processes. In urban contexts these spaces […]

ESR14: Exploring the sustainable development potential of CWS in local development strategies of peripheral and rural towns; a comparative approach between Greece and Germany

Host: Panteion University, Athens Greece, Supervisor: Vasilis Avdikos 1 PhD position, full-time Duration: September 2021 – August 2024 This ESR project will explore the ways that CWS can contribute to the goal of sustainable development, either in a local or national context or through the programming of European Union Cohesion Policy (especially with place-based policies […]

ESR13: Developing impact assessment methodologies for CWS in rural and peripheral areas

Host: European Creative Hubs Network, Athens Greece, Supervisors: Vassilis Charalambidis (ECHN), Antonios Rovolis (Panteion) 1 PhD position, full-time Duration: September 2021 – August 2024 The goal of this project is to develop impact assessment methodologies for the function of CWS in rural and peripheral areas. The ESR will work with the database of the ECHN, […]

ESR10: Creative hubs as drivers of change in peripheral business ecosystems; a comparison between Germany and Austria

Host: Saxon Association of Cultural & Creative Industries, Dresden, Germany, Supervisor: Christian Rost (SACCI) 1 PhD position, full-time Duration: September 2021 – August 2024 Cultural and creative industries are a driver for growth and innovation for European economies. While the sector is still mostly discussed as an urban phenomenon, attention has shifted more recently to […]