CORAL-ITN @ the Regions in Recovery

CORAL-ITN joins the Regions in Recovery e-festival with three special sessions.

Regions in Recovery runs from 2nd – 18th June 2021 and can be accessed through RSA Hub. Interested colleagues can register for free as non-presenting participants by clicking here.

SS04. Functions and impacts of collaborative workspaces in rural and peripheral regions and towns

Session 1. The changing geography of collaborative workspaces during the pandemic and beyond

Thursday 3rd June, 08.00-10.00 BST, 09.00-11.00 CET


Chair: Ilaria Mariotti, Politecnico di Milano

  1. Near Working and Collaborative Spaces in Peripheral Areas During the Covid-19 Pandemic Ilaria Mariotti, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
  2. Independently Run Coworking Spaces in the Capital Cities of Central and Eastern European Countries: Changes in Behaviour Due to COVID-19 Pandemic
    Grzegorz Micek, Jagiellonian University, Poland
  3. Dynamics and Transformation of Location Factors and Spatial Distribution of Collaborative Spaces in Poland, Karolina Małochleb, Jagiellonian University, Poland


Session 2. The hybrid character of collaborative workspaces

Thursday 3rd June, 11.00-13.00 BST, 12.00-14.00 CET

Chair: Suntje Schmidt, Leibniz Institute for Research on Society and Space


  1. Transformation of Coworking Spaces in Hauts-de-France, Vedrana Ikalovic, Lille Catholic University, France
  2. “Neighborhood Rooms” – A Case Study of the Potential Contribution of a Network of Creative Community Spaces to Sustainable Regional Development, Sofia Avramopoulou, PERA Non-Profit-Organization, Greece
  3. Co-Living Experiences from Digital Nomads and Remote Workers Leading to Rural Tourism Development: The Case of Spain, Stella González, Erasmus Mundus European Master in Tourism Management, Spain


Session 3. The different functions of collaborative workspaces in rural and suburban areas

Thursday 3rd June, 14.00-16.00 BST, 15.00-17.00 CET

Chair: Vasilis Avdikos, Panteion University

  1. Collaborative Workspaces in Small and Medium Sized Cities; Functions and Characteristics, Vasilis Avdikos, Panteion University, Greece, Janet Merkel, TU Berlin, Germany, Ignasi Capdevila, Paris School of Business, France
  2. Rural Co-working: New Spaces of Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Gary Bosworth, Northumbria University, United Kingdom
  3. Investigating the Functions of Rural Collaborative Workspaces: The Case of Treballu Rural Community Hub, Arianna Lenzi, BABELE Project, Italy
  4. Collaborative Workspace: In Between the Third-Space and Non-Lieu (Non-Place), Alice Covatta, University Of Montreal, Canada