ESR13: Developing impact assessment methodologies for CWS in rural and peripheral areas

Host: European Creative Hubs Network, Athens Greece, Supervisors: Vassilis Charalambidis (ECHN), Antonios Rovolis (Panteion)

1 PhD position, full-time

Duration: September 2021 – August 2024

The goal of this project is to develop impact assessment methodologies for the function of CWS in rural and peripheral areas. The ESR will work with the database of the ECHN, and those of IHG and through a data mining process from the annual surveys-barometer of the ECHN will develop new methodologies for assessing the impact of CWS in peripheral areas, that will be tested in the annual surveys of 2023 and 2024. These impacts will be differentiated from the ones reported in urban areas and will provide insights into the economic, social, cultural and environmental impacts of CWS, from the level of the individual worker to that of the local community,  in relation to various factors, such as population density, geographical distances to other areas etc. Moreover, this topic will be linked with a number of other ESR topics in a process of mutual information exchange.

The fellow will be integrated in the PhD training programme of the Department of  Economic and Regional Development, Panteion University Athens Greece

Secondments are foreseen at the Politecnico di Milano, Italy and the Impact Hub Global, Vienna Austria.


  • Development of theoretical and conceptual framework of the study
  • design of impact assessment methodology
  • design and analysis of surveys
  • development of conceptual, methodological, empirical and policy implications


  • Masters’ degree in economics, geography or another discipline corresponding to the topic of the project
  • knowledge of impact assessment methodologies will be an asset
  • fluency in English, good knowledge of Greek will be an asset
  • good knowledge of quantitative methodologies and  IT-based communication tools
  • readiness to participate in secondments, conferences and workshops
  • excellent communication skills
  • strong interest in interdisciplinary collaboration and in working in a cooperative and flexible team environment

The fellow should contribute to the outreach of the project, especially by:

  • Elaborating a PhD thesis
  • Active participation in progressing the ITN’s publications (WP monographs, journal articles)
  • Active participation in scientific conferences, policy workshops etc. at national and EU level
  • Participation in media communication, in the development of a web-based glossary, in creating video clips and podcasts and in disseminating project information at the EU level using the European Commissions’ communication tools 

For further information you may contact:

Prof. Antonios Rovolis,