MSCA CORAL-ITN Final Conference Programme

Exploring the impacts of collaborative workspaces in rural and peripheral areas in the EU; new horizons for regional socio-economic development

MSCA CORAL-ITN Final Conference 

11-13 of November 2024

Romantso Creative Hub, Athens, Greece

Anaxagora 3-5, 105 52

The conference marks the end of the CORAL – ITN project whose mission is to understand the role and impact of collaborative workspaces (CWS) in rural and peripheral areas of Europe. During the two day conference, early stage researchers, invited speakers from CWS industry and policy making will meet to discuss CWS in relation to global economic trends, regional development, communities and individuals from the perspective of various disciplines. The purpose is to focus on the phenomenon of CWS (i.e. coworking spaces, makerspaces, fablabs, creative and innovation hubs etc.) that are located primarily in rural or peripheral and remote areas. Research on this topic is emerging in recent years from numerous disciplines such as regional development and planning, rural studies, geography, business and management, sociology, architecture, design and economics.

DAY 1, Monday, 11th November 2024

18:00-19:00 (Time in EEST)



Welcome, Prof. Vasilis Avdikos, CORAL-ITN Coordinator, Vice Rector for Research, Panteion University


Keynote speech:

EU support to the culture and creative sectors: the role of creative hubs in rural and peripheral areas’ development,

Marta Jiménez Pumares, Policy Officer– Cultural policy, Regions, Statistics, European Commission



Wine reception

BIOS, Pireos 84, Athens 104 35

DAY 2, Tuesday, 12th November 2024




Paper session 1: Labour, remote work and precarity

  • The role of collaborative workspaces in supporting creative professionals in peripheral areas
    Francesca Ciccarelli, Politechnico di Milano

  • “Bringing work back in“ – On Work in Coworking Studies
    Janet Merkel, TU Berlin

  • Building bonds in precarity: Everyday care and worker agency in rural collaborative workspaces
    Nikos Gatsinos, University of Graz

  • Navigating the New Normal: An Overview of Remote Working Policies Across Europe
    Dimitris Manoukas, Panteion University, Athens;
    Ilaria Mariotti, Politechnico di Milano
    Federica Rossi, Politechnico di Milano



Coffee break


Keynote speech:

Rural work, rural workers or working in the rural?

Prof. Gary Bosworth, Northumbria University, UK



Light lunch


Paper sessions 2 & 3: Parallel sessions

Session 2: Entrepreneurship in rural CWS

  • Rural creative hubs as innovators of sustainable entrepreneurship: transforming the existing, helping to imagine and building the new
    Eleonora Psenner, KIT Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe
    Cathleen Müller, Center for Entrepreneurship, Innovation and SMEs and Bonn-Rhine-Sieg University of Applied Sciences

  • Mismatch or Intangible? Prominent Entrepreneurial Resources Through Collaborative Workspaces for Social Entrepreneurs
    Chen Gao, Leibniz Institute for Society and Space IRS

  • Levering commercial counter-urbanisation: How Coworking Spaces help migrant entrepreneurs embed locally
    Mikel Oleaga, Impact Hub Global and University of Vienna

  • Identity, cross-innovation and legitimacy: a study of the dynamics of entrepreneurial ecosystems affected by grand challenges and their implications for ecosystem orchestrators
    Juan Diaz, Ecole Polytechnique


Session 3: CWS, rural development and spatial imaginaries

  • Collaborative spaces as actors in regional development and their role in regional development policies
    Vera Fabinyi, Panteion University, Athens

  • Coworking from (and for) which rural? Spatial imaginaries within the project “Spazi Generativi” in Western Piedmont, Italy
    Samantha Cenere, University of Turin

  • Entrepreneurial learning in the university coworking space
    Harro Prins, University of Groningen

  • Spatializing digitally mediated work and workplaces: Unpacking coworking on/offline through multimodal visual-textual analysis
    Yue Mao, Leibniz Institute for Regional Geography IfL, Leipzig


Coffee break


Roundtable discussion: Technology vs Rurality, the Role of FabLabs/Makerspaces in Innovating Local Traditional Economies

Moderator: Federica Ammaturo

Luc Hanneuse (AgriLab, UniLaSalle Institut Polytechnique, Beauvais, France)

Matei Gheorghiu (Coordinator of the RFFLab Scientific Commitee, France)

Martin Wachsmuth (Oar Mountains, Germany)

Marlen Lopez Fernandez (Co-Founder and Director of Laboratorio Biometrico, Spain)

Ignacio Marquez (Co-Founder of Rural Hackers, Anceu Coliving Team, Spain)


Short break


CORAL-ITN Documentary Premiere


Dinner at Salero Wine Restaurant

Valtetsiou 51 , Athens 1 06 81


DAY 3, Wednesday, 13th November 2024




Paper sessions 4 & 5: Parallel sessions

Session 4: Rural CWS – Geography and Environment

  • The environmental impacts of Collaborative Workspaces in Europe: reuse of vacant buildings, renewable energy, and electricity consumption
    Lorenzo Marmo, Panteion University of Athens

  • Environmental Dimension of Coworking Spaces: Evidence from the Algiers Periphery
    Aicha Koidri, Ecole Polytechnique D’Architecture et d’Urbanisme, Algeria

  • Exploring hybridity in collaborative workspaces and their adjacent locations: cases from non-metropolitan Alpine regions
    Helyaneh Aboutalebi Tabrizi, DAStU-Politecnico di Milano & Eleonora Psenner, KIT Karlsruhe Institute of Technology

  • Work Spaces beyond coworking and creative spaces: types, usage models and organization
    Lena Schartmüller, TU Wien

  • Coworking and the geographic spread of growth firms
    Anna Rex, Remote lab, Sweden


Session 5: Rural CWS – Social Innovation, gender & alternative development

  • Valuation in Rural Social Innovation Processes-Analysing Micro-Impact of a Collaborative Community in Southern Italy
    Federica Ammaturo, Leibniz Institute for Society and Space IRS

  • Collaborative Workspaces in non-urban areas: more than just workplaces for women? Evidence from Austria and Greece
    Alexandra Wrbka, Panteion University, Athens

  • Is making alternative? Rethinking development in Germany’s makerspaces
    Danai Liodaki, Leibniz Institute for Regional Geography IfL, Leipzig

  • Open Cooperativism and Diverse and Community Economies
    Vangelis Papadimitropoulos, Panteion University, Athens

  • Transformative social innovation and CWS assemblages as a means of prefiguring community economies: Learnings from Austria and Greece
    Colm Stockdale, Panteion University & ECHN, Athens



Coffee break


Keynote speech:

Turning research into action: How impact Hub learns from CORAL

Christine Moser, Impact Measurement & Management Lead, Impact Hub Global, Austria



Light lunch


Roundtable discussion: Labour, volunteer work and community economy practices in and around CWS

Moderator: Colm Stockdale

Martin Hollinetz (Otelo eGen, Austria)

Tobias Keye (Rothenklempenow, Germany)

Maria do Ceu Bastos (Rural Move, Portugal)

Sotiris Tsoukarelis (Tzoumakers & High Mountains, Greece)


Coffee break


Policy co-creation and training session

Moderator: Vera Fabinyi



Closing ceremony


Find the MSCA CORAL-ITN Final Conference program here

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This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 955907.