Places of Community welfare for the 15 minutes city and surrounding areas

Edited by:

in collaboration with:
BASE Milano
Casa degli artisti
mare culturale urbano
Terzo paesaggio
Spirit de Milan
And the informal network Hybrid socio-cultural spaces Milan*

With the contribution of:
Fondazione Cariplo

With the support of:
Consulate of the Netherlands in Milan
General Consulate of the Federal Republic of Germany

Patronage of:
Municipality of Milan
OAPPC_ Order of Architects, Planners, Landscape Architects and Conservators of the Province of Milan

Scientific partners:
DAStU Politecnico di Milano

In collaborazione con il progetto europeo:
COST Action CA18214
CORAL_Exploring the impacts of collaborative workspaces in rural and peripheral areas in the EU

Cultural partners:
Bureau Broedplaatsen Geemente Amsterdam (NL)
ExSA Bergamo
FHS_ Fondazione Housing Sociale
Fondazione Fitzcarraldo
Fondazione Ordine degli Architetti, Pianificatori, Paesaggisti e Conservatori della Provincia di Milano
Ground Urban Practice
Line Culture
Lo Stato dei Luoghi
raumlaborberlin (D)
Rete Case del quartiere Torino
ZUsammenKUNFT Berlin eG (D)

Media partners:
PPAN comunicazione e networking
Radio 20158

*The informal network SOCIOCULTURAL HYBRID SPACES Milan was started in 2021 by: BASE Milano, Canottieri San Cristoforo
mare culturale urbano Food hub, Casa degli artisti, Cascina Cuccagna, Cascina Martesana, Cascina Merlata-mare culturale urbano Food hub,
Cascinet, ciclof cina Pontegiallo, circolo Arci Bellezza, circolo Arci Biko, East River, Giardino Comunitario Lea Garofalo, il Cinemino, il Cortile
delle Associazioni Niguarda, Lab barona- Repair cafè, la Scighera, mare culturale urbano, Nuovo Armenia, Olinda, Redo Santa Giulia-mare
culturale urbano Food hub, Rob de Matt, SoulFood Forestfarms, Spirit de Milan, Stecca3, Terzo Paesaggio, Zona K.
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Do you know what socio-cultural hybrid spaces are? In recent years, different spaces and ways have been created in Milan to produce generative welfare, create culture and participate in the renewal of a tangible and intangible cultural heritage of the cities in continuous transformation. An informal network of Milanese cultural realities, of socio-cultural hybrid spaces, felt the need to meet (virtually and physically) and confront each other, both to map and learn about the plurality of self-organized services, part of a collaborative welfare of a neighboring city, both to bring out the critical issues in the management of spaces that often clash in everyday life with obsolete and rigid regulations that do not accompany change.  

In April 2021 the “Hybrid spaces of Milan. 1 Manifesto, 1 questionnaire, 1 map for the city 15 minutes away “, was presented to the Municipality of Milan and the city. Listening to the Mayor led to the establishment of a technical table and an inter-councilor political table which involved the Department of Culture, Urban Planning, Trade and Labor Policies, Welfare, Participation. In September 2021 the first national resolution (N. 1231 of L 24/09/2021) thanks to the Municipality of Milan which recognizes the hybrid spaces and defines the “Guidelines for the experimental establishment of a qualified list of places of socio-cultural innovation in the city of Milan called Network of Hybrid Spaces “. 

On February 4, 2022, the Municipality of Milan promotes the first call for proposals “Qualified list of the Network of Hybrid Spaces of the city of Milan”, a map of those who make sociocultural innovation in Milan.

Now, however, there remain some open questions, questions to which to invite experts, activists, municipal technicians, associations to continue the action research work started with workshops and seminars, public meetings and walks, to tentatively define a path of co-design of actions and suggestions for public policies. Let’s open up to a local, national and international comparison to ask: what kind of socio-cultural hybrid spaces were born in your city? Where are these spaces? We will compare the Maps of Milan, Berlin, Amsterdam and other cities and national territories. We will ask ourselves: what kind of services are returned to the neighborhood for a nearby city? What kind of vision, public debate and co-design of policies for solidarity welfare (Cacciari, 2018) has been initiated with the Public Administration and local Authorities? How is the socio-cultural impact measured in your city? What kind of impact indicators?  

Hybrid socio-cultural spaces are also part of open cities (Sennet, 2019). It is necessary to build more incomplete cities, with spaces that are not overdetermined in their functions, but “ambiguous”, flexible, porous. As a city becomes more open it will be able to accommodate adaptations, encourage dissonant uses of public space. The task of the radical planner, but also of the public administrator and sociocultural entrepreneurs is therefore to promote dissonance. Hybrid spaces can give home to the unexpected, the unscheduled, the mixed-use of different populations. Knowing how to recognize and activate new hybrid spaces will also make it possible to adopt new Open planning tools (Burkhardt, 1968; Inti, 2019), a “toolbox” to promote adaptable, flexible and inclusive spaces that are part of the transformation processes of parts of cities and territories.  


The national and international workshop is part of a broader action-research “HYBRID SOCIOCULTURAL SPACES and OPEN CITIES. Places of community welfare for the city and neighboring territories” which includes new hybrid city space maps, workshops, international public meetings, public walks.

Launched in 2021 and supported in 2022 by the Cariplo Foundation, the action research includes various phases of investigation, interviews, questionnaires, mapping in different national and international contexts, public walks and co-design path of public policies with the Municipality of Milan. A “toolbox”, guidelines and tools will be proposed to activate both bottom-up and top-down hybrid socio-cultural spaces in new contexts, capable of communicating with diversity, welcoming the unexpected, giving shape to a city of proximity, an open city.

April 7-10, 2022





What kind of socio-cultural hybrid spaces were born in your city? 

What kind of neighborhood services are returned to a neighborhood city? 

What kind of vision, public debate and co-design of policies for solidarity welfare (Cacciari, 2018) has been initiated with the public administration and local authorities? 

How is the socio-cultural impact measured in your city? What kind of impact indicators? 

Four  days of workshops and guided tours with international experts, the informal network of Milanese socio-cultural hybrid spaces, other national and Lombard cases to learn about, question, hypothesize new policies capable of overcoming obsolete, rigid regulations, redefining one’s own models on a practical basis organizational and managerial in order to be sustainable. How to accompany change and imagine new hybrid spaces, places capable of adapting and welcoming unexpected activities, with flexible times, open to different populations, inclusive and generative of subsidiary services to Welfare State? 



20 CFP

Event in collaboration with the PPC Order of Architects of the Province of Milan. 20 CFP awarded to architects. Minimum frequency 80%.



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7 April at 9.30 am |


at Stecca3, NIL Isola | Via G. De Castillia 26, Milan


Institutional greetings:

Alessia Cappello_ Councilor for Economic Development and Labor Policies, Milan municipality

Andrea Rebaglio_ Deputy director of art and culture of the Cariplo Foundation

Massimo Bricocoli_ Director of DAStU Politecnico di Milano

Lorenzo Bini _OAPPC Ordine Architetti Pianificatori Paesaggisti Conservatori  Anita Pirovano_ President Municipio 9

 Introduction and workshop issues:

Isabella Inti_ president Stecca3 sociocultural center

Roberto Arnaudo e Eleonora Guidi_ Rete case del quartiere Torino Con Spazi Ibridi socioculturali  

Antonella Bruzzese_ DAStU Politecnico di Milano

Martijn Braamhaar_head of Bureau Broedplaatsen Amsterdam (NL)

Markus Bader and Nina Peters_ raumlaborberlin e ZUsammenKUNFT Berlin eG (D)

10.45 am- 1 pm

Morning session workshop 

Focus group_ Sociocultural Hybrid Spaces and neighbourhood services   

 2-5.30 pm

Afternoon session workshop 

Focus group_ Spaces and sociocultural impact indicators


7-8-9 April 9.30am-5.30pm



 9.30-1 am

Morning session workshop 

Focus group_ Sociocultural Hybrid Spaces and neighbourhood services  

With Antonella Bruzzese_ DAStU Politecnico di Milano

2-5.30 pm

Afternoon session workshop 

Focus group_ Spaces and sociocultural impact indicators

With Roberto Arnaudo e Eleonora Guidi_ Rete case del quartiere Torino Con Spazi Ibridi socioculturali

 Lecture on: 

8 april , 2-3 pm

Milan Public Space. Un atlante in divenire dello spazio di tutti  Chiara Quinzii, Diego Terna_ QTA architetti 

 9 april , 2-3 pm

Milan Gender Atlas 

Florencia Andreola_ Sex and the city

 9 April  from 6.30 pm

PARTY Hybrid spaces

at mare culturale urbano, NIL San Siro | Via Giuseppe Gabetti, 15

 10 April 10.15 a.m. – 1.15 p.m. 

WORKSHOP conclusion




Institutional greetings:

Mascha Baak_ Consul General of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Milan Ingrid Jung _ Consul General of the Federal Republic of Germany



Isabella Inti _ Stecca3 and Andrea Capaldi_ mare culturale urbano

Presentation of workshop results

Antonella Bruzzese_ DAStU Politecnico di Milano

with Spazi Ibridi representatives

Roberto Arnaudo e Eleonora Guidi_ Rete case del quartiere Torino Con Spazi Ibridi socioculturali with Spazi Ibridi representatives

Round table with the Municipality of Milan and experts:

Alessia Cappello_ Councilor for Economic Development and Labor Policies

Pierfrancesco Maran_ Councilor for the House and Neighborhood Plan

Markus Bader and Nina Peters _raumLaborberlin (D) e ZUsammenKUNFT Berlin eG (D)

Giordana Ferri_ Executive Director FHS-Fondazione Housing Sociale  

Ilaria Mariotti_ DAStU Politecnico di Milano e COST Action CA18214 

Maurizio Carones _OAPPC Ordine Architetti Pianificatori Paesaggisti Conservatori  

Franco Milella_ Fondazione Fitzcarraldo


Sebastiano Leddi_Perimetro

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Spazi Ibridi socioculturali | Sociocultural Hybrid spaces | Hybride soziokulturelle Räume. What kind of socio-cultural hybrid spaces have been born in recent years in Milan, Berlin, Amsterdam?


2 international seminars in dialogue with national realities and small-medium urban and territorial centers in Lombardy


7 April, 2022, 6.15 pm #01 Public talk  

Sociocultural Hybrid spaces in Amsterdam for Broedplaatsen Gemeente Amsterdam 

at BASE Milano, Via Bergognone, 34 | NIL Tortona

 Martijn Braamhaar_Programmamanager Bureau Broedplaatsen Amsterdam (NL) 

in dialogue with BASE Milano, mare culturale urbano, Spirit de Milan, cascina cuccagna, East river  and with Lo Stato dei Luoghi and ExSA ex carcere Sant’Agata / Bergamo 

Giovanni Oggioni _OAPPC Ordine Architetti Pianificatori Paesaggisti Conservatori  Santo Minniti_ President Municipio 6

Moderates: Giulia Cantaluppi_Temporiuso  


8 April, 2022, 6.15 pm #02 Public talk  

Hybride soziokulturelle Räume in Berlin for Raumlaborberlin 

at Casa degli Artisti, Via Tommaso da Cazzaniga, angolo, Corso Garibaldi, 89/A | NIL Brera 

with Markus Bader and Nina Peters / raumlaborberlin (D) e ZUsammenKUNFT Berlin eG (D)

in dialogue with Casa degli Artisti, Stecca3, Terzo Paesaggio, ZONA K, Rob de Matt with Casa di quartiere Torino and Lineculture / Brescia

Alberto Bortolotti_Vicepresident OAPPC Ordine Architetti Pianificatori Paesaggisti Conservatori  Mattia Abdu Ismahil_ President Municipio 1 

Moderates: Betram Niessen_cheFare, Agenzia per la trasformazione culturale  


Architects enrolled in the Order of Architects PPC of the Province of Milan, who will be present at international public seminars will be able to receive 1 CFP per meeting, to be requested by self-certification on the im @ teria platform for exhibitions and seminars


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April-June 2022  


SOCIOCULTURAL HYBRID SPACES | On foot, by bike, by scooter or by canoe

Edited by rete informale spazi ibridi socioculturali


The project ” Socio-cultural hybrid spaces and Open cities” includes workshop days from 7-10 April, during which various moments of territorial animation will be organized, with walks and guided visits to city districts (or NIL Nuclei of local identity) that have germinated hybrid spaces such as Stecca3 and ZONA K in the Isola district, Rob de Matt in Niguarda, Spirit de Milan in Bovisa, Casa degli Artisti in Brera, BASE Milano in the SavonaTortona district, mare culturale urbano in San Siro, Eastriver in the district Turro, Cascina Cuccagna in Porta Romana, Terzo Paesaggio in Chiaravalle … 

Between April and May 2022, 3 public walks will be organized, as well as 3 tours by bike, on foot, by canoe. The public walks and guided tours will show the genius loci of the neighborhoods, the meeting spaces, the places of conflict, the public services present and the self-organized activities and services offered by the hybrid spaces. 

The public walks will be accompanied by HYBRID AUDIO by ZONA K:

Creative audio guide that crosses the territory of Milan to discover the Sociocultural Hybrid Spaces that inhabit it. An electronic voice of a personal navigator will guide the listener on a journey in stages through those places – new, historical, adapted, rich in history, cultural, performative and social incubators – which are part of our urban horizon.

10 April, 3-7 pm

#01 NIL Isola-Dergano-Niguarda, Bovisa 

Meeting at Stecca3 and BAM Park for the island bike tour in ZONA K, then towards Dergano and Bovisa passing through Nuovo Armenia and Scighera, then back in the saddle towards the swing citadel of Spirit de Milan … but it’s not over, yes go back to Dergano because the party at Rob de matt awaits us! All told by Radio 20158 of Dergano.

15 May 3-7 pm

#02 NIL Nolo-Turro-Martesana  

Meeting at the community garden Lea Garofalo / Giardini in transito, then towards Loreto (which in the future will be LOC-Loreto Open Community), we will visit the Municipal Market Viale Monza and we will arrive by bike in Eastriver, here we can take the canoes to paddle up to Cascina Martesana and Ponte Giallo bike workshop / Martesana Amphitheater

19 June 3-7 pm

#03 NIL Pta. Romana-Corvetto- Vettabbia- Chiaravalle 

3D glasses, mountain bikes, kites and “scursarin” for bread-making… Yes, it’s time for Cinemino, Cascina Cuccagna, Mercato Comunale Made in Corvetto and again the cultivated fields of CasciNET, SoulFood Forestfarms and arriving in the village of Chiaravalle from Terzo Paesaggio.


Architects enrolled in the Order of Architects PPC of the Province of Milan, who will be present at the public walks will be able to receive 1 CFP per walk, to be requested by self-certification on the im@teria platform for exhibitions and seminars.

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From June 2022

Thanks to the public meetings, the exchange of experiences during the workshop and urban walks in Milan, the curators of the project ” Socio-cultural Hybrid spaces and Open cities” are available to support possible new walks, which can be replicated in a second phase of the project with other reality, even in Berlin, Amsterdam, but also Rome, Turin, Brescia, Bergamo … 

More info can be found here