Deutscher Kongress für Geographie (DKG) 2023 (Frankfurt am Main, Germany, 13-23 September 2023) Paper Session: New geographies of work and labour within, across and around collaborative workspaces

Organisers: Nikos Gatsinos*, Malte Höfner*, Suntje Schmidt** *Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz** Leibniz Institut für Raumbezogene Sozialforschung Reference Nr: 82751 Short description: This session addresses multilocalities of contemporary labour and work and their connectionto collaborative workspaces. Sharing practices within, across and around these spaces challenge (new) divisionsof labour and work. Keywords: English-language call, CollaborativeWorkspaces, Coworking, Sharing, Precariousness, Labour, Economic Geography Language of session: English […]