Keynote speech by Juli Bieman

Rural coworking: people, models, and trends

Juli Bieman from COWORKLAND gave us a talk about the recent trends of coworking in rural and peripheral areas. Presenting the findings of a research conducted by COWORKLAND, our invited speaker shed light into the diverse profiles of the users of rural coworking spaces. While coworking spaces in big urban agglomerations grew out of the need of freelancers and remote workers for affordable workspace, in rural areas, coworking users seek for entrepreneurial activation and meaningful employment. Presenting the different types of coworking spaces in rural and peripheral areas, Juli Bieman gave us an overview of the emerging coworking models in periphery.

The Introductory event of CORAL-ITN gathered all the selected Early Stage Researchers (ESRs), supervisors, and beneficiaries for an exciting virtual meeting of training activities. The five-day event which took place between 20 September – 24 September 2021 provided ESRs with an introductory view of CORAL-ITN network, its mission, and its future activities. 

On Monday 20 September, the 15 newly recruited ESRs and their supervisors, together with representatives of the partners organizations met for the first time. This was followed throughout the week by keynote speeches, round table discussions, seminars, and open discussion sessions of each ESR project. CORAL Introductory event closed with an open discussion on the outputs of the event. A detailed agenda of the Introductory Event can be found here.