Keynote speech by Prof. Dr. Andy Pike (Live): Reframing urban and regional development for ‘left behind’ place

Andy Pike’ keynote speech introduced the ‘left behind places’; places that contradict to the ‘superstar cities’discourses and unveil geographical inequalities. Aiming to produce a discussion for socio-cultural development beyond economic terms, ‘eft behind places’ study captures the urban and regional studies slow responses to times of crisis (Global financial crash, Great Recession 2008 –09, to […]
CORAL-ITN Newsletter #1

Download the PDF file of the CORAL-ITN Newsletter #1
1st Coral School Agenda

All times CET 1st CORAL School Agenda 7/2/2022 Monday 10.00-11.30 Keynote speech: New working spaces and urban planning: reshaped perspectives? Divya Leducq, Universite de Tours, discussants: Helyaneh Aboutalebi Tabrizi and Costantino Romeo, CORAL ESRs 11.30-12.00 Coffee Break 12.00-13.30 Seminar: Designing and implementing surveys Vasilis Avdikos and Lorenzo Marmo, Panteion/ECHN 13.30-14.30 Lunch break 14.30-17.00 […]
CORAL-ITN joins the 2022 Regions in Recovery E-Festival with a special session.

We are inviting contributions that deal with the exploration of the multiple ways that CWS function in rural areas and peripheral towns and regions
Keynote speech by Juli Bieman

Rural coworking: people, models, and trends
Keynote Speech by Dr Janet Merkel:

The rise of CWS in cities and beyond
CORAL Introductory Event Agenda

Date: 20-24/9/2021
Time: 10.30 – 17.00
Ecole Polytechnique
École Polytechnique is the leading French institution combining top-level research, academics, and innovation at the cutting-edge of science and technology.

CORAL-ITN offers 2 fully funded positions for Early Stage Researchers ESR 5 & ESR 14
CORAL-ITN @ the Regions in Recovery

CORAL-ITN joins the Regions in Recovery e-festival with three special sessions. Regions in Recovery runs from 2nd – 18th June 2021 and can be accessed through RSA Hub. Interested colleagues can register for free as non-presenting participants by clicking here. SS04. Functions and impacts of collaborative workspaces in rural and peripheral regions and towns Session 1. The changing geography of […]